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Accredited by NYC Department of Buildings
Wall Panels, Curtain Walls, and Veneers
Fenestration U-Factor and Product Rating
Fenestration Air Leakage
Air Sealing and Insulation
Structural Steel
High Strength Bolting
Structural Cold-formed Steel
Sprayed Fire-resistant Materials
Fire-resistant Penetrations and Joints (Firestop)
Structural Woods
High Load Diaphragms
Metal-Plate-Connected Trusses
Prefabricated I-Joists
Soil and Foundation
Subgrade Insp / Soils-site Prep
Deep Foundations / Piles S
Vertical Masonry Foundation Elements / Piers
Excavation - Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing S
On-site Storm Water Drain. Disp. / Detent Install (Drywell)
Helical Piles
Concrete - Cast-in-Place
Post-Installed Anchors
Alteration of Existing Buildings
Structural Stability
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