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The Great Wall of China - Built Using Bamboo Scaffolding


The Great Wall of China was built thanks to the use of bamboo and wood scaffolding, which after the end of its useful life was used in the mixture that in other parts of the wall became large bricks.

Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing materials in the world with the ability to grow up to one meter per day. This means that bamboo is easy to replenish and extremely eco-friendly. It is lightweight and durable to support the weight of workers and equipment. This also means it's quick and easy to build, with crews capable of building up to 1,000 square feet in a day. It also has the advantage of being able to be cut and adapted to any construction contour.

Tecno Obras Consulting Group works with any type of scaffolding from metal to bamboo. Always approaching all projects with creativity and experience to guarantee their completion with outstanding results.

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